Tuesday, November 29, 2016

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself....

Hello again, friends. Hope you all had a truly blessed Thanksgiving. I know I did, so many things to be thankful for. One of the things that I am thankful is the wonderful musical artists who bless us all with their talent. As you know, I wouldn't be writing this blog if music wasn't an important part of me and my life. I don't remember a time when I wasn't singing (albeit off key) or listening to music. AND my taste runs the gamut...from the 60's anthems to the 90's, from bubblegum (I know, I'm hanging my head in shame as I write this), the dance music of the 80's and even some country thrown in there for good measure.

I'm finding that I am being drawn to country music these days. Now, now, don't panic!  I'm not talking about the old Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline stuff. I enjoy country music from the 80's and 90's as long as they aren't singing about their dog running away, getting drunk, and momma's cookin'.  I guess I'm a music snob that way but you like what you like.

One of my favorite country singers of ALL time is Dwight Yoakum. His music really is different from what most would consider 'country'. His lyrics just draw you in and you listen to every word. I forget where I am or what I am doing. His songs have an awesome melody and powerful words. In his concerts, there is very little talking, just melding one song into another.

Today's offering is a song written and recorded by Dwight Yoakum and is included on his "If There Was a Way' album. This song peaked at #5 on the Country Billboard but many of his fans feel 'he wuz robbed'.  LOL.  All that being said, here is 'You're The One'.  Give it a listen and I think you'll enjoy it as much as I do.


So until next time, be kind to each other.


Friday, November 18, 2016

It is not happy people who are thankful...it's thankful people who are happy

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.

This has been a kind of chaotic few weeks for me and the Thanksgiving holiday is closing in upon us; yet,  I still wanted to be sure to post one of my favorite songs by Dwight Yoakum.  This song wasn't published until 1990, a little later than most of the songs that are on my 'short list' of favorites.

I saw him in concert in 1990 and that little move he does with his leg in this video? Well, that has become his trademark move.  You should  try it sometime in skinny leg jeans - it's not as easy as he makes it look.  :-)  Also, around the 1:15 to 1:25 mark in the video, you will hear the reason this is at the top of my favorite song list.  There is also some phenomenal guitar playing by Pete Anderson who partnered with Yoakum from 1984-2002, a partnership that resulted in numerous platinum records, sold-out tours, and some darn fine music.

Here's 'I'm a Thousand Miles from Nowhere' for your listening pleasure.

Wishing you and yours a truly blessed Thanksgiving.



Make space to listen to your wise heart.  What you seek lies within.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Breathe In Peace, Breathe Out Love

The presidential election is just around the corner.....I'm sitting here listening to some really fine music ..... makes all the craziness seem a lot more tolerable.  But then good music usually does that to me.

I guess I'm on a southern rock kick here for the last few weeks.  As you know, I love pretty much all music EXCEPT for hip-hop.  (Sorry, folks, but if you ain't singing  the lyrics, it just ain't music!)

I heard this song the other day and think it's one that I need to share with you all.

This was recorded in 1973 by The Allman Brothers and peaked at number 2 on the charts that year.  Did you know that Greg Allman (the founder of the group) married Cher in 1975?  Just a little trivia.....   The song had originally been recorded by Hank Williams in the 1950's and it was WAYYY more country sounding than this version.  The band was a little reluctant to record it because they really weren't into all that twangy stuff. They decided if they were going to make it, they were going to do the best job they could.  And they sure enough did.

Here's Ramblin' Man for your listening pleasure:

So, my music friends, until next time, be kind to each.

Peace and love.
